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Review Decision about Trademark No. G840607“BUNGE PRO”for Rejection

The applicant applied for trademark review to the TRAB on account of disagree with the rejection on trademark “BUNGE PRO” (No. 840607) made by CTMO (China Trademark Office).

The applicant applied for trademark review to the TRAB on account of disagree with the rejection on trademark “BUNGE PRO” (No. 840607) made by CTMO (China Trademark Office).

The applicant applied for trademark review to the TRAB on account of disagree with the rejection on trademark “BUNGE PRO” (No. 840607) made by CTMO (China Trademark Office).

The applicant applied for trademark review to the TRAB on account of disagree with the rejection on trademark “BUNGE PRO” (No. 840607) made by CTMO (China Trademark Office).

The applicant applied for trademark review to the TRAB on account of disagree with the rejection on trademark “BUNGE PRO” (No. 840607) made by CTMO (China Trademark Office).

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